Contributing Author: Trinity Alumni, Mr. Will Anton
When it comes to the topic of virtue, nearly every so-called “modern” educational system immediately becomes suspicious as to what the topic implies. In this postmodern era, virtue falls into the category that some call “absolutism.” While they are not far from the truth, they refuse to listen to any explanation thereof, and run away with hands over their ears.
However, where so much of modern education has failed to instruct its young people, Trinity Christian School has not faltered. How is this so? Well the answer is quite simple. Rather than fearfully rejecting the concept of solid virtues and turning to flee, Trinity has accepted, embraced, and runs whole-heartedly into the pursuit and practice of virtue. This truth has shown itself innumerable times within the core structure of the school itself, being interwoven into the main mission: to build the leaders of tomorrow through Christ-centered classical education.
Preparing future leaders of the world is a daunting task. There is the ever-present thought that society may not be left in good hands. One reason for thinking this is the fact that so much of the past’s wisdom is being thrown down the figurative garbage disposal of history in the name of political correctness. However, unlike so many other institutions of today, Trinity acknowledges the fact that depreciating the past will negatively impact the future. Therefore, instead of following in the footsteps of modern culture, Trinity promotes the wisdom that has been passed down to us from our forefathers.
One of these “wisdoms” is the concept of virtue. Trinity excels in teaching its students about the importance of sound moral principles, their applications for the real world, and their implications for a better life. Through deeply nurturing classroom discussions, faith integrated courses, and plenty of hard work, students at Trinity emerge not only fully equipped for post-secondary education, but also fully equipped to think reasonably, logically, and virtuously about difficult issues, so many of which exist in our world today. The faculty, knowing full well the importance of virtue, instills within the students a greater passion to pursue virtue in every aspect of their daily life, in or out of the classroom. Put simply, Trinity staff are living, breathing emulations of Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things.”
Reflecting back on my experience at Trinity, virtue was consistently and religiously a paramount part of my educational, personal, and spiritual development. Every course that I took, whether it was elementary-level art or college-level rhetoric, played an invaluable part in creating within me a strong sense (and, even more so, a GUIDED sense) of virtue. In addition, it is not merely the curriculum that develops students so well, but also the care and nurturing atmosphere that is Trinity’s most valuable asset: it’s teachers, endeavoring everyday. Trinity faculty invested heavily into my classmates, and me. They continue to do this with all students they cross paths with today. The more I reflect on my years at Trinity, the more I realize that I experienced daily a privilege many students in America are denied. I personally do not have a high tolerance for what the word “privilege” has come to mean these days, but I will say that, if anyone is to be accused of having been “privileged,” then it first and foremost ought to be me.
Trinity has given me so much. I often wonder if I was even worth all that work poured into me constantly, year in and year out. The only way I can justify the great gift that the men and women of Trinity gave me is to be able to give the same gift to someone else. I have freely received; therefore I am obliged to freely give.
I have been asked many times about the most important thing that I learned in my years at Trinity. After a year of retrospect, I have come to the following conclusion: The most important thing that Trinity taught me was how to think virtuously. For when I think with virtue in mind, I am more inclined to emulate those who thought with virtue as they taught me.
