From the Desk of the Headmaster
We are approaching twenty years of serving this community, celebrating what God is doing in and through us. We have just opened our new campus. We find this a perfect time to revisit foundations. When our founding board formed Trinity's values, what shaped these men and women
of wisdom had long legs as they knew they were shaped by the distant past. From the very beginning, our school leaders have committed to the foundational principle that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

As solid as the foundations of our buildings; our values, mission, and core commitments ground us as we press on in the journey of classical Christian education. With these foundations, Trinity pushes students to reach their greatest potential.
Today as life now fills our new campus, we revisit deep truths that motivated both our founding and every subsequent board. As we do so, we find ourselves exuberant with hope, passion, gratitude, and even deeper ties to these strong foundations.
In this issue of Flourishing, in our boardroom, on display on both campuses, and especially in our classrooms; we rededicate ourselves in this nineteenth school year to foundations that make Trinity the place it has become.
First, we remain committed to being Christ-centered in all we do. Plato encourages our earnestness, "Seek truth while you are young, for if you do not, it will later escape your grasp." Today we complete Plato's then-unfinished truth with the fullness of Christ and His Kingdom. In truth, we lift the name of Jesus highly in many lives beginning with our youngest students and all who shape them: their parents, faculty, staff, and community members. As Abraham Kuyper so aptly put it, "There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!" By God's grace, we intend to continuously grow ever closer to making Kuyper's vision a reality. We pray and hope after another twenty years, all our graduates will be known for living the Christ-centered life, worshipping Him in all things.
Second, we "double down" on the essential nature of the biblical worldview underpinning all education. The inerrant word of God as expressed in the sixty six books of the Old and New Testament remains the greatest source of wisdom one can hope for in this life. At a time in human history when authorities are questioned and exchanged for the therapeutic worldview of self-actualization, we are steadfast in the Bible's authority. We subordinate our teaching and our very lives to the deep truths of Scripture. We've heard from St. Augustine, "The souls of those who have not drunk from the fountains of the liberal arts are, as it were, hungry and famished; this is a condition of sterility, what we may call a spiritual famine ... " Our aim: stamp out spiritual famine.
Third, as we have grown as a classical school, we move forward having greater conviction. With the first two foundations in place, we've seen that classical education meets and even exceeds the need to equip young people for the 21st century. This trivium-based education applies the optimum tools of learning to achieve the greatest potential to think well, read well, write well, and speak well in the context of a Christian worldview. It has been proven to prepare young people to flourish for God's glory in this life. We've seen the results. Our graduates succeed in all fields of study having gained wisdom through the path of grammar, logic, and rhetoric.
Finally, we are committed to the Scriptures' foundational idea that parents are responsible for the education and discipleship of their children. We are honored, affirmed, and deeply humbled that parents trust Trinity to walk with them, side-by-side in the spirit of Deuteronomy 6, through these most formative years.
As we affirm foundations, entering a new season, we are filled with hope for the work that God is doing in and through our community of believers for the rising generations of students being shaped by these core commitments expressed in everything from our academics, our fine arts, our athletics, our events, and even the halls new and old that we walk together each day.
We trust God is blessing us and we are joining Him in what He is doing on the front lines of our culture through each of these young lives being shaped for eternity. Soli Deo Gloria!