Trinity is the only K-12 classical Christian school in Prescott, AZ and has proudly served the quad-city area since 2003.
We are committed to seeking wisdom, cultivating virtue, and inspiring service in the life of every Trinity student.
We strive for academic excellence, while maintaining biblical standards of mentorship and teaching as we walk alongside parents in the growth and development of their children.
Trinity is fully accredited by both the Association of Christian Schools International and Cognia.
“We trust God for each student’s growth and are committed to disciple and inspire in them a lifestyle of worship. It is in the life on life moments of mentoring that happen in the classroom, on the court, on the playground, and throughout our school family celebrations that the worshipful habits of the heart are developed and established. Together, we seek to bring Him glory with every fiber of who we are.”
-Mr. Aaron Rosberg,
Assistant Headmaster
Our teachers and staff are all followers of Christ who seek to build relationships with students and to set an example that they can follow. As scripture states in Luke 6:40, “A student, when he is fully trained, will be like his teacher.”
We are committed to strong parent-teacher partnerships, walking alongside parents in their God-given responsibility to educate their children.
We strive to maintain a family atmosphere in the midst of incredible God-given growth and have an average class size of 18.
Classical Christian education prepares children for life rather than just preparing them to make a living. In the same way, here at Trinity, we teach students how to think rather than merely what to think.
Contact us to schedule a tour and walk our halls, step inside the classrooms, and share a conversation with us directly to find out more about classical Christian education and how it shapes our approach to developing students.

As a community, by the grace of God we are committed to:
The Classical Christian school philosophy that gives young people the tools of learning through the Trivium of grammar, logic, and rhetoric, producing young men and women who think for themselves and reflect goodness, truth, and beauty in their lives.
Discipleship to Jesus Christ bringing about authentic spiritual transformation through mentor-ship relationships and genuine spiritual conversations.
Excellence in academic scholarship, requiring students to learn how to read well, write well, think well, and speak well through academically rigorous course work in all disciplines.
Servant Leadership training for students preparing them for the responsibility and calling of leadership.
Biblical Worldview Integration in all subjects and throughout all extra-curricular activities.
Christ-centered athletics centered on character development, school unity, discipleship between coaches and players, being a light to other schools, and glorifying God with our bodies through competitive sports.
Christ-centered, high quality fine arts programs reflecting a commitment to a Biblical aesthetic and exposing students and our community to the great tradition of the arts in Western Civilization.
Professional growth at all levels of the institution through the cultivation of wisdom, seeking to be a humble, ever-learning, community growing in excellence.
Prayer, relying upon our great God to provide us with His wisdom, interceding for another, bearing one another’s burdens, acknowledging that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.
Serving as Christ served, starting within the TRINITY community and then out into the larger community as a light, providing opportunities to put action behind our faith, cultivating hearts of compassion in the students.
Preparing students for the responsibilities of adulthood, ready to engage the culture armed with sharp minds, hearts surrendered to Christ, and skillful hands ready to answer the call of God on their lives.
Biblical stewardship through wise financial planning, always trusting God as provider, looking ahead to the future with faith.
Do you love God and the Scriptures?
Are you concerned for the future of our children and grandchildren?
Do you love our nation and desire to see our people turn back to worshiping Christ?
ANSWER THE CALL . . . God is calling a community of people together around a vision for the young people in our community. This vision is one that stands for biblical wisdom, Christ-centered virtue, and hearts of service. It is a call to return to our foundational responsibility as parents, grandparents and church members.
We are called to faithfully disciple and teach our young, providing them with the paideia or inculturation described in Deuteronomy 6:5-9:
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on your doorposts of your house and on your gates."
And again in Paul's admonition to fathers in Ephesians 6:4:
"Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord"
Our culture has been captivated by the false ideas that now dominate our institutions in education, government, media, and are at the doorsteps of our churches. Our call is simple and profound. It is simply this: We will intentionally pursue God's vision for our children and grandchildren as seen in the Scriptures inspired by Psalm 78:4.
"We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done."
We take wisdom from the beautiful tradition of classical Christian education that seeks to provide our children with the tools of learning and biblical worldview to navigate the times in which we live.

Will you answer the call to co-labor with Christ on the front lines of our culture as we:
Instill wisdom and virtue by fully equipping and shaping the loves of our rising generations
Support students to discover and appreciate history shepherded by caring mentors
Anchor students with timeless truths in order to be bright lights in our culture